Five blouses (button-down front, loose-fitted or pullover).
Three bras or undershirts
Seven or more pairs of underwear.
Five pairs of loose-fitting, washable slacks such as sweatpants with drawstrings or elastic waistbands. We do not recommend jeans.
Five pairs of socks. Stretch socks or socks with tight elastic tops are not recommended.
A cardigan sweater or jacket.
Bathing suit or T-shirt and shorts (no cut-offs). (if your therapist recommends it)
Comfortable, well-fitting, flat shoes with non-skid soles (one size larger for spinal cord injured patients).
Necessary toiletry items such as comb, shampoo, makeup, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant.
Clothes or laundry bag. (Please label all items with your name.)
If you are coming from home, bring a list of current medications, including over-the-counter medications. Include dosage and frequency. Please do not bring the actual medication.
Recommended for Men
Five washable shirts, sports style preferred.
Three T-shirts.
Seven or more pairs of undershorts.
Five pairs of washable, loose-fitting trousers such as sweatpants with draw strings or elastic waistbands. We do not recommend jeans.
Five pairs of socks. Stretch socks or socks with elastic tops are not recommended.